Although veterinarians are exposed to health risks daily, new research findings reveal that many are not as vigilant about disease prevention in their practices as they should be. In the May/June issue of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Dr. Paul S. Morley of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, […]
(...Read More)Research Reveals HCAI and Zoonotic Infection Risks
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013New Internal Medicine Services — Outpatient and Mobile Endoscopy — CT Rhinoscopy
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013As a national leader in veterinary imaging innovation, VICSD has achieved another first in San Diego veterinary medicine with its new mobile endoscopy service. VICSD will also offer outpatient endoscopy to provide veterinarians and pet owners with choices and convenience. The new endoscopy service is part of VICSD’s internal medicine offerings that […]
(...Read More)Meet Internal Medicine Specialist Suzanne Fincham-Gray, DVM, DACVIM
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Education: BSc (Hons) BVetMed (Hons), DACVIM (SAIM) A native of the UK, Dr. Fincham-Gray graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2000. She then ventured across the pond to complete a rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery, and a residency in small animal internal medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. […]
(...Read More)Innovation Tip: The Yammer Experience
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Yammer is a free, fun online social network that improves internal communication within businesses. You can create groups within your clinic, post messages, upload and share documents, and reduce email volume. Feel free to contact VICSD if you have questions about launching a Yammer network for your clinic. (858) 634-5430
(...Read More)IBD in Dogs and Humans
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology investigated the commonalities and differences in IBD in humans and dogs. In both humans and dogs, IBD has been linked to genetic and environmental factors, but many elements remain unknown. Specific genes have been identified and found to be linked with IBD in […]
(...Read More)Endoscopy Nuggets
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Here are some interesting endoscopy facts. The top 5 items surgically removed from pets’ gastrointestinal tracts are socks, underwear, pantyhose, rocks, and balls, according to claims submitted to VPI Pet Insurance.
(...Read More)Mobile/Outpatient Endoscopy
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Dr. Suzanne Fincham-Gray performs GI endoscopy, gastroduoendoscopy and colonoscopy to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease, esophageal stricture, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colonic polyps or masses, intestinal lymphoma and other intestinal neoplasia. Dr. Fincham-Gray uses state-of-the-art anesthetic protocols and monitoring to ensure the safety of your patient. VICSD’s mobile endoscopy service brings this procedure […]
(...Read More)CT Rhinoscopy Service
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013During outpatient rhinoscopy, Dr. Fincham-Gray diagnoses nasal conditions and diseases and removes nasal foreign bodies. State-of-the-art anesthetic procedures and protocols are used to ensure your patient’s safety. At VICSD, our expertise enables us to perform CTs with sedation only for many patients, providing them with the safest care. […]
(...Read More)VICSD Veterinary Teleradiology Group Offers Notes Read
Thursday, July 25th, 2013VICSD Veterinary Teleradiology Group Offers Notes Read VICSD Teleradiology Group delivers cost-effective expert interpretation and radiograph review to practices everywhere. A unique service offered by the group is called Notes read, which is a great way to add a radiologist review at a lower cost with an easy click of a mouse in […]
(...Read More)Answers to Kitty Quiz
Thursday, March 14th, 2013Many of VICSD’s readers submitted the wrong answers to the Kitty Quiz. Here are the facts. 40% of pet cats have not been to the vet in the past year. According to a 2011 report, more dogs have been to the vet in the past year than cats. Only 15% of […]
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